The white horses play flute as they fly.
An elephant enters the room, alone.
The land widens around wild animals.
Birds look for serpents who have, long ago,
abandoned trees and headed for rivers.
Monkeys can’t do business in here.
Trading during daylight is outlawed.
Last time a goat wanted to sell its milk,
offended neighbors growled at her.
Awakened before naptime was over,
furious dragons set the forest on fire.
The rain was on an extended sabbatical,
and winds, caught by surprise, amplified
and expanded the disaster. Eight cheetahs
summoned to look into the matter.
After much deliberation, they declared war
on the neighboring forests. They used emergency
powers to enforce curfews and impose sanctions.
Meanwhile, working chickens carried on,
undeterred, delivering eggs to all world’s citizens.