Monthly Archives: July 2018

Oasis of Doubts

Oasis of Doubts To doubt is to be humble and be mindful of intricacies.

The human in every situation is complex, messy, profound, powerful, and at times irrational; never mind the potentially potent influence of the subconscious. Or so I imagine it to be and I could be squarely wrong.

Between the realm of one truth and another neighboring one, doubts plant tents and host the stray for an overnight stay, perhaps for much longer whenever those guests dare to ask questions, apply scrutiny to the prevalent narrative.

The absence of doubt leads to drunken arrogance which is supported with actions rooted in the absolute, and is bound to incite chaos, inflict pain, and sanction hatred.

Doubt is our insurance against tyranny of thoughts, actions, and beliefs. A reliable way to survive collusion and clashes. An enabler to carry the torch of civilization forward.

Doubt is an extension of life. A savior. To doubt is to reinstate our ability to find common ground, share, and ultimately love. To doubt is to be human.
