Monthly Archives: November 2014

Innocent Flirt

She reached the counter wearing a soft smile,
paving the path to unscripted conversation,
evoking music.

Her graceful gestures invited
admiration for the blue of her eyes
and her scarf.

Her innocent flirt awoke
long-forgotten promises,
evoking adventures — snowflakes dancing
with desire on a breezy afternoon.



A hungry poet intercepted
an unguarded glance
from a shining face.

Unwilling and not knowing
that his creative journey
might answer a thirst
for uncooperative words.

A glance and a hungry poet
wishes to belong to a time when
feelings can be forever frozen.

To ease the suffering,
once again
he raises his pen!



Chasing origins is a game
where rules keep on changing,

where I endure a confused struggle,
and rupture innocence.

Excuses no longer shadow the moment,
knowing joy is in the unexpressed.

I go back to the premise
I long for but misunderstand.

For those at the top hemorrhage is a risk,
at the bottom we are accustomed to handicap.

Let’s farm for once,
build as many exits as we can,

for dreams are bound and blurred.
The finish line is rarely in sight.

At birth we submerge in the first light.



When actor A ridicules actor B, it is because:

  1. He really hates his guts
  2. It’s good for business
  3. They are secretly in love
  4. He is just jealous

When politician A slams politician B, it is because:

  1. He is fond of the founding fathers
  2. He is anti-establishment
  3. He craves a dirty race
  4. He is struggling with weight issues

When athlete A puts down athlete B, it is because:

  1. It is a “Who’s your daddy?’ type of thing
  2. He has a bigger package
  3. He was flirting with the interviewer at the time
  4. He likes to read his name in the paper

When kindergartener A throws up on kindergartner B, it is because:

  1. He wanted to show off the fancy breakfast he just had
  2. To force him to change clothes
  3. To get dismissed from school early
  4. To visit the hot nurse at school

When scientist A discredits scientist B, it is because:

  1. That’s what apes do
  2. He hates mice-based research
  3. The Nobel committee almost never recognizes genius
  4. His grant proposal is being reviewed

When housewife A talks behind housewife B’s back, it is because:

  1. She refuses to share her blueberry scone recipe
  2. She has her own blog
  3. She didn’t “like” her Facebook post about inner beauty
  4. She misses her dog

When country A bombs country B, it is because:

  1. It is never about the Polish
  2. It is never about the French either
  3. Someone has to blame the Canadians, the Mexicans, and the Belgians
  4. The dentists deserve it

When TV channel A makes fun of TV channel B, it is because:

  1. The news cycle is too slow
  2. It truly believes the other is an idiot
  3. The viewers agree
  4. It’s the new journalism stupid

When bookseller A outsells bookseller B, it is because:

  1. Toys are the new books
  2. He has big margins
  3. He sells sex at his store, literally
  4. He cooks the books

When comedian A makes fun of comedian B, it is because:

  1. It’s a name recognition game
  2. A joke is never political
  3. Good jokes should not be wasted on the competition
  4. He started it

When product A leaks battery acid on product B, it is because:

  1. Everyone hates curvy products
  2. It was not as slick and skinny as the others
  3. To add some color to it
  4. It had digestion issues

When janitor A whacks janitor B with his mop, it is because:

  1. It is always about survivor mode down there
  2. That’s what janitors really do with their free time
  3. Someone has to lead
  4. It is the quickest way the dry up a mop

When show host A lies about show host B, it is because:

  1. It helps the ratings
  2. It is something to tweet about
  3. The contract is up for renewal
  4. He is a communist

When writer A attacks writer B, it is because:

  1. He is engaged in self-hatred
  2. He is promoting his books
  3. He craves attention
  4. He wants to sleep with him

The Tree and I

Standing alongside a forgotten city,
trees travel through seasons.

I talk to a tree; with tears I wash its leaves,
and I feel its moving roots— extensions of grief.

The tree and I extend our shades
and entertain those who come near.

We absorb the sun’s rays, gather soil,
share the night’s loneliness, and collect stories.

We are home to travelers, occasional lovers.
We collect secrets and offer understanding.


In My Absence

In my absence, don’t apologize on my behalf.
The sun won’t rise late, and I won’t be missed.

The world will continue to run,
and the sea will forget my long hours at its shore.

I leave behind my silence for you to share.
My farm, the site of my grave, will be yours.

Water trees, invite back the long nights,
and ride the horses in the open air.
